Friday, February 27, 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015


Do not forget your candle orders. They are due tomorrow 2/24.

Tuesday's playoffs

Hello Wolves!

Tomorrow we will all meet in the cafeteria and eat together as a team. We will also discuss ideas to turn it up a notch. We will learn from our last performance and do better tomorrow.
Below is a set schedule for tomorrow. Mandatory for both JV and Varsity.

3-4 food in the cafeteria (Rein is providing)

4-5:15 homework in room 513

5:30-7 practice in big gym.

7-9 game time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Basketball Playoff Game

Hello Wolves!

Tomorrow Varsity will be cheering the boys basketball game (Playoffs).  It is mandatory for all of varsity to attend this event.  We will be performing our competition routine and cannot do it without a team member.  It is our last chance to show the school our routine.  The game will begin at 7pm and varsity will meet at 5:45pm. Rein will provide food at 3:30pm. If you would like to provide drinks you may do so by 3:30 tomorrow. Thank you!

Varsity only will come dressed to school tomorrow. 
  • Hair up with game bow for the game
  • Be ready with hair up and game bow before 5:45PM
  • Wear any type of appropriate makeup
  • JV will not cheer or dress tomorrow
  • Tomorrow competition team will perform at the articulation middle school event.  We will meet in front of the auditorium at 9:30AM.  Be ready with hair up and makeup before 9:30AM! 
  • Thursday! Candle orders are due!
We are officially registered to compete at the JamFest National Competition in Long Beach! However, I am still working on booking a Hotel.  I am booking 9 rooms for competitors, coaches, and parents.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Today's Practice

Hi Wolves!
Today the cheerleaders were sent home early.  I am disappointed that half of JV were missing. I received an email from only one parent. Everyone else will not be allowed at practice without a note.

Articulation show on February 18th.
No practice Monday
Competition March 14-15th
Candles due next Thursday

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Girls Basketball Game (Senior Night)

Hello Cheer!
Tomorrow is senior night for girls basketball! Wear full uniform to school. Hair up and ready with game bow before game and practice. Jv begins at 5pm and will meet in the big gym. Varsity will practice in the quad at 5:30PM sharp. We will perform halftime!

Reminder! Candle orders are due Thursday! There will be no more fundraising after the candle donation is made to the team.  However, donations are welcome and checks need to be made to VNHS Cheer Trust. Whatever is donated will be used for banquet!  

You may wear makeup of your own choice. Make sure it is on before practice. Have fun with it!

Fair warning!  Anyone who is late or shows up unprepared will be benched for half a game and may be given a warning. Also, make sure you eat atleast an hour before practice or game. I do not want anyone to feel sick.

Articulation Show on February 18th.  Only competition team will perform and will be excused from class by Mrs. Leigh.  Competition team must meet by the auditorium by 9:30AM.

Practice this Thursday and Friday from 3-6PM.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Hello Cheer! 
Tomorrow is senior night! Wear full uniform to school. Hair up and ready with game bow before game and practice. Jv begins at 5pm and will meet in the big gym. Varsity will practice in the quad at 5PM sharp. We will perform halftime!
Rein is bringing chips and sandwiches for everyone. Meet in the cafeteria right after school. If any parent wants to donate drinks please post a comment. 

You may wear makeup of your own choice. Make sure it is on before practice. Have fun with it!
Fair warning!  Anyone who is late or shows up unprepared will be benched for half a game. Also, make sure you eat atleast an hour before practice. I do not want anyone to feel sick. 

Happy Birthday to Siobhan and Coty!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Important Announcements for the Week!

Hello Wolves!

First, I want to clarify that we are no longer allowed to fundraise.  Therefore, we need to finish and give our candle orders to Rein by February 11th.  Checks now have to be made out to  Lourdes Juarez.  Lourdes will donate a profit to the cheer program.   Whatever donation we get will be used for banquet.  The more we get the less we pay for banquet.  As of now, I'm estimating that banquet will cost $35/person.  We also need about $400 for awards and other materials.

Second, 5 week progress report cards are coming out soon! Remember that good grades are required to compete.   I am requiring students to have a 2.5 GPA by the 10 week report card.  However, I will check the 5th week progress report card.  If students don't have at least a 2.0 GPA or they are failing classes, they will not compete.

Third, tomorrow, Saturday, I will have fingerprinting packets ready for you at Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Park.  This is a great opportunity to volunteer for The City of Los Angeles as an assistant coach for gymnastics, cheer and recreation events.  I will also have the dance room available to practice on tumbling.  It is not mandatory to attend however, it is a great opportunity to practice back handsprings on crash pads.  I will only be there from 2PM-3:45PM. Don't be late!

Last, I am proud of how everyone is working as a team.  However, we are falling back due to absences.  Please schedule doctors appointments around practice and games.  We are competing in a few weeks and need lots of work.  We cannot get a full practice with out a team member.

Cheers to a great semester! We got this!!!!!

"A successful team beats…with one heart!"

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Competition Forms

1. JamFest
March 14-15
Departure March 14 8:00am
Arrival March 15 5pm
Location Long Beach Convention Center

2. SoCal Classics 
April 11th
Departure 8am
Arrival 5pm
Location Claremont High School

-Coach Maria Renard 

For both check private transportation
If you are carpooling we need a copy of DL and Insurance from the driver. If you are carpooling, you also need to fill out the form that gives you permission to ride with the driver. 

Cheer Article

Check this out!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Job Opportunities

Hello Wolves!

Van Nuys Sherman Oaks park has given our cheerleaders the opportunity to volunteer for The City of Los Angeles. If you are interested in working at the park go to VNSO and ask for the park director, Coung. Tell him that you are a Van Nuys High School Cheerleader and wants to get fingerprinted to work. This is a great opportunity to gain experience in the work field. You will also be granted community service hours. For more information call the park at 

Game tomorrow

Hair up and game bow. 
Wear full uniform. 
Meet 30 min before game to warmup. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

No game tomorrow.

Hello Wolves! We will not cheer the game tomorrow. 

Cheer Fundraiser

Hello Wolves! 
Fundraiser is still due February 11th. Don't forget that in order for us to continue competing and have a banquet we must fundraise. Our goal is to sell 20 items each by February 11th. Funds are to be deposit in the student store's Cheer Trust. Checks are made to VNHS Cheer Trust. All order forms need to be turned in to Coach Maria with a receipt from the student store to show proof that funds have been deposit. Any questions email me at