Friday, February 6, 2015

Important Announcements for the Week!

Hello Wolves!

First, I want to clarify that we are no longer allowed to fundraise.  Therefore, we need to finish and give our candle orders to Rein by February 11th.  Checks now have to be made out to  Lourdes Juarez.  Lourdes will donate a profit to the cheer program.   Whatever donation we get will be used for banquet.  The more we get the less we pay for banquet.  As of now, I'm estimating that banquet will cost $35/person.  We also need about $400 for awards and other materials.

Second, 5 week progress report cards are coming out soon! Remember that good grades are required to compete.   I am requiring students to have a 2.5 GPA by the 10 week report card.  However, I will check the 5th week progress report card.  If students don't have at least a 2.0 GPA or they are failing classes, they will not compete.

Third, tomorrow, Saturday, I will have fingerprinting packets ready for you at Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Park.  This is a great opportunity to volunteer for The City of Los Angeles as an assistant coach for gymnastics, cheer and recreation events.  I will also have the dance room available to practice on tumbling.  It is not mandatory to attend however, it is a great opportunity to practice back handsprings on crash pads.  I will only be there from 2PM-3:45PM. Don't be late!

Last, I am proud of how everyone is working as a team.  However, we are falling back due to absences.  Please schedule doctors appointments around practice and games.  We are competing in a few weeks and need lots of work.  We cannot get a full practice with out a team member.

Cheers to a great semester! We got this!!!!!

"A successful team beats…with one heart!"

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