Sunday, February 8, 2015


Hello Cheer! 
Tomorrow is senior night! Wear full uniform to school. Hair up and ready with game bow before game and practice. Jv begins at 5pm and will meet in the big gym. Varsity will practice in the quad at 5PM sharp. We will perform halftime!
Rein is bringing chips and sandwiches for everyone. Meet in the cafeteria right after school. If any parent wants to donate drinks please post a comment. 

You may wear makeup of your own choice. Make sure it is on before practice. Have fun with it!
Fair warning!  Anyone who is late or shows up unprepared will be benched for half a game. Also, make sure you eat atleast an hour before practice. I do not want anyone to feel sick. 

Happy Birthday to Siobhan and Coty!


  1. If your in jv but also in the comp do you still have to cheer for the jv game?

  2. Not for this one since we are performing our comp routine and we practice at 5.

  3. What time can drinks be dropped off?

  4. We do it all again Wednesday Susie...3:30!
